Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas comes again...

As I've been told all my life, Christmas comes faster and faster the older you get. It's absolutely true. I feel like we just did this! I probably said this last year. LOL

The kids went to their fathers' houses for Christmas so we celebrated when they returned. That was fine...only we have to travel to two VERY far apart airports to do this. Michaela can fly out of Jackson, 1 hr north, but because Alex isn't 8 he cannot make connecting flights. So he and Rebecca have to fly out of Salt Lake, 4.5 hours south. A complete unfun time, I can assure you.

I wasn't at all into the holiday spirit this year. I hardly baked, I didn't sent out cards (sorry gang!) and I think putting the tree up was about all the decorating I could do. I wanted to take the kids out and hike the mountain for their first REAL FRESH CUT tree, but decided not to since they wouldn't be here. Kind of a cop-out I suppose! I'm sure my mood is partly due to the recent move, partly to finances and partly because the kids weren't here and our families/friends are far away too.

The past couple of months have been very hard. Not only adjusting to this place, which is quite desolate in the winter, but not having Todd here FT is the worst. He still works in MN most of the time as the job he was to have here fell through. And there aren't an abundance of them here. I feel awful. I had to take this job. I needed the 'under the belt' experience. But this presents with new problems. This cannot go on for a lot longer. New plans will have to be formulated.

The kids had a great time at their fathers' and that was fantastic and always what "it's all about". They got some things they'd been wanting and have been having a fun playing with them. Tomorrow school starts again...The break went fast. Even I had a 13 day one. Can't believe it's over as I wasn't thrilled about taking 13 day mandatory vacation w/o pay. But back at it! Tomorrow I start a new semester of school too. Am looking at revamping my schooling plan. Which will mean I'll be at it longer than I had wanted to be. But for my own sanity and financial reasons, it will probably work out for the best in the long run.

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