Sunday, October 12, 2008

First snow

I've met a resident of Star Valley, where we are moving, through blogspot. I jacked this photo from her site. I had heard they were expecting snow yesterday, so much to my surprise this morning, they weren't just expecting, they GOT IT! I sat here laughing nervously and repeatedly saying "oh my God!".

As memory serves from having grown up in the Rockies, the earlier the snows, the harder the winter. This should be a grand Wyoming Welcome!! I need to call my Dad in Montana and see how he faired.

Luckily, they are expecting warmer temps this week so it'll melt. But it's just a small taste of what's to come!


Holly said...

I want to cry for you. I kept telling people I was hearing dirty words on the radio because they kept saying "80% chance of mixed rain and snow".

But you guys win. Sad.

Holly said...

ALSO, I showed Aiden (who lived in Wyoming TWICE. He said Oh, that doesn't suprise me.

Then we Googled a map to see where you'll be (not stalking, I swear!) and he says "Oh she'll be close! We can go see your Traci!!"

Uh, yeah, Not so close, but he has family of sorts in Boise so we might make a combo trip and come bother you next summer. Maybe. Be warned. Next time, don't tell us where you're moving. ha ha!!

Traci said...

Sweet! I'm glad he thinks like me.. Cuz I was thinking the same thing! "Oh Holly will be CLOSE!" And Todd's Aunt lives in SW Idaho, so's meant to be! YEEE HAW!

rachel said...

I feel for you man! I just left San Dieg (72 and sunny) and came back to 30 something and a couple inches of snow. Mama no likey!

Traci said...

LOL Rach!! Me no likey either! Wanna grab a Maguarita in Mexico?