Friday, October 10, 2008

So long Starbucks!

Today is a sad day for a lot of Marshallites...

It's the last day of business for our local Starbucks. I's a coffee house. And we have others, though they close MUCH earlier and will not be suitable for 9pm coffee clutches with friends.. It's sad. The staff is fabulous! We consider them friends and have gotten to know each of them. They were even invited to the wedding! We spent countless hours there laughing and talking with friends and even made new friends. And though it's 'just' coffee, it has an unknown, addictive property. We've joked that it's laced with crack, but just a speculation :)

On the other hand, this will be good practice for our move to rural Wyoming, as I can assure you the closest Starbucks will be at least an hour or so away! It will now be a treat when we 'run to the city'. I am sure that healthwise and moneywise, it's for the best! But there is still a feeling of warmth and coming together that will be missed there.

1 comment:

Holly said...

How are you going to survive? Traci and Starbucks go hand in hand. Or Cup in Hand. lol