Sunday, November 23, 2008

A day in Jackson Hole

A couple weekends ago I decided we needed a trip out of the valley and we headed an hour north to Jackson. Jackson has changed A LOT in the 20+ years since my last visit. What a yuppy tourist trap this is! Don't get me wrong, it's still known for its great skiing and uphill sled runs (I'm talking snowmobiles here). But for a town of 8.5 thousand to have and support such stores at Eddie Bauer, Hagen Daaz and Coldwater Creek (to name a few) is insane. You literally have to be a millionaire to live there. Though many say the billionaires are forcing the millionaires farther down the valley. Actually, we have many that live in our area and make the hour commute to Jackson to work. We even have a parking area with a commuter bus pick-up/drop-off!

So we enjoyed the afternoon poking around and doing 'touristy' things.

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