Thursday, September 18, 2008

New chapter, new look, new blog

Welcome! I'm glad you found our new webhome!! After much thought, I decided it was time to retire my first blog and begin anew. This is a reflection of our new family structure and our upcoming move to Wyoming.

That was a lot of information. Your minds are spinning. Stick with me here.

First off, the blog's name: Experience SaintHoggMann. Funny... the kids came up with SaintHoggMann one afternoon when we were talking about our expanded family dynamics. It is a representation of us all: Todd & Traci St. Aubin, Rebecca & Alex Hogg and Michaela Mann.

After seeing one of my former HS member's blog, I decided mine was just too boring and I needed to hit the next level! She's been a great inspiration and tutor. Thanks, Rach! (Happy Birthday to us tomorrow!)

WYOMING...or maybe WHY-OMING to some of you. After months and months of fruitless searching for a dental hygiene position here in the central region, which is FLOODED with hygienists, the decision has come to move to the jobs. The financial strain of having one income is becoming more of a front-burner concern and I didn't just drop 2 very stressful years and $30K on hygiene school for nothing. Plus the added $ I am spending completing my bachelor of hygiene online. I actually looked at this job for months on indeed (one very cool employment website). Decided to apply, interviewed and was made an amazingly impossible offer to refuse. I will start at what most hygienists here take 2 or 3 years to reach. Plus, I will be just 3 hours south of where I grew up and of course, my father and nephew. In the end, we hoped something would crop up near Marshall, or at least in MN, but it hasn't. So after much discussion - I've accepted the offer and now the rush is on to get moved before the snow flies. We're down to "we gotta do what we gotta do". And for now, this is the best decision.

We realize that this will make a great many people unhappy and upset. Others will be elated. We love you all, but we have to look out for our family first and foremost. After the shock settles, we know you'll understand.

So follow along with us on these new adventures. In the end, they say, it's the journey that matters.


rachel said...

La-La-Love it!!! Good Job on the new look. Happy Birthday to you too :) woot woot!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go enjoy the west and all it has to offer your family. Need help moving let me know I would love to. Ruby