Friday, September 19, 2008

Hey! The candles are baaaaaaaaaack!

Ah, yes, here we are again at another birthday. Number 38, to be exact! The years they go by faster and faster..

38 Things about Traci

1. I have 3 tattoos
2. I'd like one more
3. I love that I am nearly 40 and still go to college
4. I consider myself to be pretty fearless
5. My favorite color is green
6. My favorite number 13
7. I have 3 kids
8. I've been married 3 times
9. I love chocolate
10. I have a fear of weed eaters
11. I'm a rollercoaster fanatic
12. I miss my Mom every day
13. I LOVE shoes
14. Scrabble is my drug
15. I'm thankful Kim is nearly done with treatment, she's my best Scrabble buddy
16. I'm glad my kids are outgoing
17. I have been to every state but Hawaii and Alaska
18. I am friends with my exhusbands and I still like them
19. I miss having a mini-van
20. I border on obsessive compulsive
21. I like to laugh
22. I don't like to waste time on sleep
23. I drive fast
24. I love riding on the Motorcycle with Todd
25. Traveling is a passion
26. Landscaping is a hobby
27. I'm not overly fond of snow
28. I haven't really watched TV in 3 years
29. I like to snuggle
30. I enjoy helping people
31. I think scraping teeth is FUN!
32. Salmon flies are disgusting
33. I wish I had more time for recreational reading
34. I'd like to improve my Trap scores
35. I'd give my left arm if I could meet Gary Allan
36. I don't floss EVERY day (shhhhh!)
37. I drink too much Diet Pepsi
38. Bananas are my favorite fruit


rachel said...

I am with you on a bunch of those...except for the TV one. I am an addict! Hope you had a good one :)
p.s. salmon flies are spawns of satan. yuk!

Holly said...

What a great idea! I might have to do this on my birthday.

Speaking of, happy belated birthday. You don't have to remember mine, either, kay? Then we're even.

Like the new blog, updated my links. I will continue to blog stalk you. Keep posting!