Monday, June 1, 2009

I am alive..

5.5 months.. REALLY?? Man... A lot has gone on in that time.

1. I quit my job in WY
2. We moved back to MN

I know.. I've only listed two things. But those things are MAJOR. I am still hunting for work in MN, which has been, and continues to be difficult. I moved across country again and back again in 4 months. I'm tired. I'm lost. I'm stifled.

I have not yet totally settled back in here. I haven't unpacked a lot of things yet. Have no desire to. It's all I can do to keep up with life right now.

I am feeling frantic today. I have so much going on inside and out. I need an outlet. Maybe it's time to pay attention to my blog again. Which brings out another issue....

I've been struggling for a long time with blog content. To me, my blog is my diary. Not just of the lives of my family and me, but of thoughts, issues, opinions. Not everyone appreciates that. So...I think my solution will be to keep this one as a strictly family photo album sort of thing. Another one will be created for me as a true outlet.

Yeah..."right!" you say... "she can't even maintain one blog!" And you may be right.

I'll start uploading some photos in the next day or two. They'll be sorta random. But at least a glimpse of what's been going on.


Anonymous said...

Traci - I look forward to your personal thoughts. It makes it seem like you are not so far away. I saw leave 'em on there. If folks dont like it - they dont have to read it. KB in WA

Cindi B said...

Yea you updated, I look at your blog almost weekly to see if you have & finally. :} Good to "see" you & the family